Customer Responsibilities
The customer is responsible for all pipes and plumbing from the meter to the building. This includes all portions of the service line on private property and the entire plumbing system in the home. Ownership of water is transferred from Leavenworth Waterworks to the customer at the meter.
Any water line fully or partially dedicated to fire protection on private property (either by sprinkler or private fire hydrants) is the responsibility of the owner from its point of origin at the water main.

Leavenworth Waterworks Responsibilities
Leavenworth Waterworks is responsible for upkeep of the water mains located in the street and public right-of-way, the service connection from the main to the meter pit or property line (whichever comes first), and the meter and materials in the meter pit up to the outgoing side of the meter.
Service Interruptions
There are times when interruption of water service is necessary. A water main break is an example when water service must be interrupted, without prior notice to customers, so timely repairs can be made. Leavenworth Waterworks reserves the right to turn off any main or service without notice and without liability for any damages to any person or property.
Meter Tampering
Meter tampering is not allowed. The consequence can be service disconnection, reconnection charges, security deposit increase, fines and damage assessments.
Backflow and Cross Connections
Federal and state regulations prohibit cross connections. Cross connections are places in a plumbing system where the water supply is, or can be, connected to a contaminated substance. When a pressure change occurs, the contaminated substance can siphon back (backflow) into the drinking water. Serious illness can result. Common possible backflow sources include garden hoses, swimming pools, and fire and lawn sprinkler systems. Vacuum breakers should be used on all hose connections. Fire and in-ground sprinkler systems must have an approved backflow prevention device.